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An innovative project of scientists from Szczecin and Enea Operator. Green hydrogen will help store electricity from RES and stabilize the grid 28.06.2021 09:06
Enea Operator, the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin and the University of Szczecin are involved in the innovative research project called H2Buffer. As a result, they will develop a system for storing energy and stabilizing the power grid, which will use green hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources (RES) installations. The project will also contribute to the development of renewable energy, including prosumer energy. H2Buffer is a practical example of how to use green hydrogen, which is called the fuel of the future.
The implementation of the project is a response to the needs of the energy market in Poland. The dynamic development of renewable energy sources requires stabilization of the power distribution grid. H2Buffer, a hydrogen energy buffer, may be a solution that will increase the efficiency of energy use from RES installations, reduce power supply interruptions and improve the quality parameters of electricity supplied to consumers, based on ecological fuel. The flexibility of the grid will also be increased by connecting more RES.

Wytwarzający / Odpowiadający za treść: tłum. Agnieszka Jansohn-Borghina
Udostępniający: Agnieszka Jansohn-BorghinaCzas udostępnienia: 2021-07-29 09:08:11
Data wytworzenia: 2021-06-28