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Distinction for our graduate in the Competition for Young Engineers 12.06.2023 13:38
On 25 May 2023, during the Builder for the Future 2023 Final Gala, at the Polish Olympic Committee headquarters in Warsaw, prizes were awarded in the 6th Edition of the Competition for Young Engineers (KDMI).
A distinction was awarded to Jagoda Gidokeit, a graduate of the Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering at ZUT in Szczecin, for 'Structural design of an indoor swimming pool using BIM software'. The mentor of the honoured work is Szymon Skibicki.

Wytwarzający / Odpowiadający za treść: Maria Bitel/tłum. Agnieszka Jansohn-Borghina
Udostępniający: Agnieszka Jansohn-BorghinaCzas udostępnienia: 2023-06-15 13:40:54
Data wytworzenia: 2023-06-12