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PLN 8 million to fight global warming. Project of scientists from WPUT and Norway highly rated by the National Centre for Research and Development 15.05.2020 09:21

In the POLNOR CCS competition, which focuses on the carbon dioxide capture and storage, 6 out of 17 submitted applications were selected. The Polish-Norwegian project coordinated by the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering WPUT received co-financing for a total amount of PLN 8 million, of which WPUT will receive nearly PLN 5 million. The maximum project implementation period is 3 years.

On the ranking list of applications recommended for funding by the National Centre for Research and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin came in 2nd.

Numerous research groups around the world deal with the topic of CO2 processing into useful products. The first preliminary results obtained by us allow us to presume that we can achieve success in this matter, thanks to the innovation of the photocatalytic materials we have used - said Professor Urszula Narkiewicz from the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering WPUT, project manager.

Professor Urszula Narkiewicz previous project was also successful. It was submitted in a competition for carbon capture and storage, implemented as part of the Polish-Norwegian Research Cooperation Program. Partner teams worked on capturing CO2 from flue gases.

The effects exceeded the expectations of the whole team. Scientists have managed to develop cheap and effective carbon dioxide sorbents at a global level. Three scholars from Norway took part in the project: prof. Kaiying Wang, an expert in nanomaterials from the University of South-Eastern Norway and two scientists from SINTEF, the largest independent research organization in Norway - dr Richard Blom, Senior Research Scientist from Process Technology Department, and dr Andy Booth from the Environment and New Resources  Department, expert in the field of environmental impact assessment of nanomaterials.

The team conducting previous project saw the need to maintain the research, with the prospect of further processing of captured CO2. Therefore, in the competition organized by the National Centre for Research and Development in 2019, another application with such solutions was submitted.

POLNOR CCS 2019 are competitions financed under the 3rd edition of the Norwegian Funds and the European Economic Area (EEA) for the years 2014-2021 as part of the "Applied Research" program. Its operator is the National Centre for Research and Development.