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“Politechniki Pomagają” WPUT in the fight against COVID-19 25.05.2020 14:55

Polish polytechnics have been helping in the fight against coronavirus for many weeks - they prepare 3D protective visors, organize fundraisers, provide hospitals with laboratory equipment, infrared cameras and join the work on the prototype of the ventilator.

The details of these activities were discussed on May 19, 2020 during the teleconference “Politechniki Pomagają” organized by Prof. Danuta Zawadzka - the new rector of the Koszalin University of Technology in the presence of the Minister of Science and Higher Education Wojciech Murdzek as well as deputy ministers Anna Budzanowska and Wojciech Maksymowicz.

The conference call organizer emphasized that in connection with the epidemic threat in Poland, technical universities have taken numerous actions supporting the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

As technical universities, we have the potential to implement actions. This program shows that we are capable to cooperate in places where we operate and realistically respond to the needs of local communities, as well as cooperate as an academic community - said prof. Danuta Zawadzka.

Opening the conference call, the Minister of Science and Higher Education Wojciech Murdzek thanked for the initiative.

Actions taken by the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin to fight

against COVID-19 was presented by university spokesman Mateusz Lipka. The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, prof. Arkadiusz Terman.

From mid-March, scientists from WPUT printed 1525 visors - the team of dr eng. Marcin Królikowski from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics WPUT. 14,000 visors were made based on the fast method developed by the graduate of the university Kamil El Fray. 70 people were involved in volunteering (students, doctoral students, employees). In the protective visors, the university secured about 100 hospitals and clinics.

WPUT also handed over to the Independent Public Provincial Combined Hospital, Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Szczecin and the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station: automatic epMotion dosing station, two devices together with Real-Time PCR coronavirus detection software and Eppendorf Centrifuge high-speed centrifuge.

Dr eng. Marcin Królikowski from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics WPUT developed a prototype ventilator using a 3D printer. It is a modified VentilAid, the device of Krakow engineers.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics WPUT donated 13 computers for remote learning to the youngest residents of Szczecin who do not have tablets, laptops or stationary devices in their home.

In addition, the university secured Szczecin hospitals with personal protection equipment. During five days of spontaneous collection organized by university employees, 46 protective goggles, 90 masks, 12,500 pairs of gloves, 480 aprons, 2,200 caps and 9,600 pairs of shoe protectors were collected.

All collected personal protective equipment was transferred to the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 2 PUM in Szczecin and the Independent Public Provincial Combined Hospital, Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Szczecin.