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Students of ZUT in the group of the most talented young women in the country 12.10.2020 09:50

Nikola Bukowiecka (Faculty of Electrical Engineering) and Klaudia Góralska (Faculty of Computer Science) are among the elite group of 25 most talented students of computer science and related faculties. Intel Technology, in cooperation with Education Foundation Perspektywy, for the sixth time awarded prestigious scholarships in the "New Technologies for girls" program.

Students of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin will be under guidance of experienced Intel employees and will receive a scholarship of PLN 12,000 (gross).

Klaudia Góralska is a fourth-year computer science student. She specializes in computer systems and software.

I am interested in programming and designing web applications. After graduation, I would like to become a valued programmer. Currently, I am designing an application that offers personalized rankings of TV Shows as part of my engineering thesis - said Klaudia Góralska.

Klaudia Góralska's greatest achievement is participation in the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019 competition, in which, within 24 hours together with her colleagues, she created the ICFire application. ICFire can provide an additional support channel for the emergency hotline.

Nikola Bukowiecka is studying Automation and Robotics in the third year (Faculty of Electrical Engineering). Her research interests include rocket propulsion, space data analysis, quantum field theory and subject of an artificial brain. Nikola's first and most important achievement was an internship at the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Greifswald, working on the Wendelstein 7-X fusion reactor.

In the future, I would like to work in the space industry, neuroscience or industry that uses robotics-related solutions. I am not yet strictly focused on one specific career path in research. I am a consistent person with great motivation. I am not afraid of taking up challenges and facing problems - said Nikola Bukowiecka.

"New Technologies for girls" is the first scholarship program in Poland for young women who associate their future with new technologies. The program includes all technical universities in Poland and five best IT departments.

The initiative aims to interest young women in the industry of new technologies and in the related fields of studies. The aim of the program is to provide talented high school graduates and students support in learning, planning and developing a professional career in the technology industry.