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WPUT in the Accessibility Partnership programme 18.11.2019 12:48

The West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin has joined the Accessibility Partnership programme. The document was signed in Warsaw by Anna Czekalska, website administrator. This is another step towards removing barriers in our university.

WPUT is another participant to the Accessibility Plus Programme. Our university has joined 170 entities from various sectors that have declared their efforts to eliminate barriers. This programme supports areas such as architecture, transport, education, health care, digitization, services, competitiveness and coordination.

Accessibility Partnership programme is our shared commitment for all people with special needs. I am glad that you are with us - said Deputy Minister Małgorzata Jarosińska - Jedynak during the ceremony of signing the document by partners, which took place on November 13 this year. at the Ministry of Investment and Development.

Partners declared that they would be guided by the idea of ​​accessibility and equal treatment and will seek to even out the opportunities and access of all citizens to the social, cultural, recreation, leisure, sport, health care, education, work, transport, information and communication.

Access to information is extremely important for people with disabilities. Website is adapted for the blind and deaf people, for which it has already been awarded many times.

Users with only the keyboard can freely navigate the site with the Tab key. For a quick access to selected page elements "Skip links" has been used. Website navigation is friendly for the blind people thanks to the correct page titles, correct order of headings and other improvements introduced for screen readers. Photos and graphics on the site have alternative descriptions to make their content accessible to blind and visually impaired people. - said Anna Czekalska.

The last time website was awarded in June this year in the 10th edition of the "Website without Barriers" competition, in which it received a prestigious award.