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"Golden engineer" from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, WPUT 03.04.2020 11:00

We know the winners of the "Golden Engineer of Technical Review" plebiscite. In the "Young Engineer" category, the statuette was awarded to Ewelina Chołodowicz from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering ZUT.

The "Golden Engineer" is an award granted to outstanding engineers, technical creators, inventors who greatly contributed to development of the country. The award promotes the achievements of Polish engineers and draws attention to their role in building an innovative and competitive economy. Titles are awarded, among others in the following categories: high-tech, management, manager, ecology, science and quality, education.

The jury appreciated Ewelina Chołodowicz's outstanding scientific achievements, including co-authorship of 10 scientific articles, first prize for engineering work in the national competition "Young & Innovative 2018", participation in projects "The best of the best 3.0", a scholarship of the Minister and Higher Education Science and the Mayor of the City of Szczecin.

Ewelina Chołodowicz is a graduate of Automation and Robotics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, which she graduated in 2019. Currently, she is a first-year student at the WPUT Doctoral School and conducts research on optimization of goods flow in warehouse systems. Her scientific interests include hybrid systems, discrete-time systems and control theory.

She combines her passion for learning with passion for sport and a healthy lifestyle. She mostly practices calisthenics and strength training. She is currently a first-year student at the WPUT Doctoral School.