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Midterm project meeting of the GREEN-MAP project coordinated by ZUT 24.06.2022 15:08

In January 2020, the GREEN-MAP project titled "NOVEL GREEN POLYMERIC MATERIALS FOR MEDICAL PACKAGING AND DISPOSABLES TO IMPROVE HOSPITAL SUSTAINABILITY" funded by the European Commission under the Maria Sklodowska Curie Actions - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange has started. The project is focused on the development of a new generation of biodegradable polymers, which can be used as disposable medical devices or packaging of medical devices. The project is led by Prof. Mirosława El Fray, from the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Department of Polymer and Biomaterials Science, and is implemented in a consortium consisting of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, which also acts as coordinator, the University of Bologna (Italy), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), Centre for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze, and companies: Croda (Netherlands), KB Folie (Poland), Comprisetec (Germany) and Ecoinnovazione (Italy). The project partner is an American university: The Ohio State University, OH.

Despite the outbreak of the pandemic and the suspension of the project for a year, the activities related to the project goals were carried out all the time, and their summary took place on June 10, 2022 at the mid-term meeting held at Nanotechnology Center for Research and Education. The meeting was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Prof. Rafał Rakoczy. The meeting was attended by 40 people, out of which 21 were stationary present, including guests from USA, Hungary, Italy and Poland. Also present was the Project Officer from Brussels, who oversees the implementation of the project.

During the meeting, the status of implementation of individual tasks and the intersectoral exchange of scientists and doctoral students was discussed. The result of the work completed so far is 8 publications "Gold Open Access" related to the synthesis of biodegradable polymers, their characterization and processing in terms of production of modern biodegradable packaging for medical industry and disposable equipment.

Implementation of the project was very highly evaluated by the Project Officer, so that the project will receive additional promotion from the European Commission.