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Outstanding young scientists from WPUT appreciated by Minister of Science and Higher Education 26.11.2019 14:24

Sandra Ilona Paszkiewicz and Piotr Franciszczak from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics of WPUT were among 211 outstanding young scientists who received scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The list of scholarship winners was published on Friday by the Ministry of Science.

 Jarosław Gowin awarded scholarships to researchers who conduct innovative research and have impressive scientific achievements of high prestige and international scale.

Among the winners were PhD Eng. Sandra Ilona Paszkiewicz and PhD Eng. Piotr Franciszczak, recognized for scientific research in the field of material engineering.

PhD Eng. Paszkiewicz is an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Engineering. Currently, she is conducting research on the synthesis of new polymer materials based partly or fully on renewables (plant-based compounds such as starch or lignocellulose).

PhD Piotr Franciszczak deals with short-fiber-reinforced composites for injection moulding process. The manufacturing processes developed by him are to ensure higher mechanical parameters and reduce material costs.

The winners will receive scholarships of PLN 5,390 per month for 3 years. The Ministry of Science allocated over PLN 40 million to finance them.

This year, nearly 1.5 thousand applications for scholarship were submitted, of which approx. 1.4 thousand met the formal conditions and were assessed. The applications were evaluated by an advisory team selected from among candidates proposed by the Main Council for Science and Higher Education, the Science Evaluation Commission and the Young Scientists Council.

According to the information of the Ministry of Science, this year 30 scholarships more were awarded than in the last edition. Most scholarship holders were from the Jagiellonian University (23), University of Warsaw (17) and the University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (10).