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WPUT Rector elected 05.06.2020 11:12

May 29 this year (Friday) The College of Electors of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin re-elected Professor Jacek Wróbel for the term 2020-2024.

Two candidates registered for the position as Rector of WPUT: Professor Witold Biedunkiewicz (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics) and current Rector Professor Jacek Wróbel  (Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture).

The election meeting was attended by representatives of each group of the academic community (College of Electors) and started punctually at 9.00 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the Auditorium prof. Stanisław Skoczowski.

Due to the epidemic situation in the country, the election meeting was conducted in accordance with the sanitary regime and according to the recommendations of the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Szczecin. The electors were divided into 10 groups (10 people each). They voted in a time interval. Each of them was equipped with a mask, gloves and pen.

95 people out of 100 entitled to vote took part in the meeting. The fact that the rector will lead the university for the next four years had to be decided by an absolute majority of votes. 61 people voted for prof. Jacek Wróbel, while 34 people voted for prof. Witold Biedunkiewicz.

The Rector-elect plans for the next four years are largely related to investments, among others: creation of the ICT Campus (Information and Communication Technology) and construction of the Academic Sports Centre. Professor Jacek Wróbel also plans to improve recruitment rates, reduce the number of fields of study from 45 to 32 and adapt them to the needs of the labour market, and prepare training courses and courses for students at selected faculties, which would provide them with additional skills and professional qualifications confirmed by a certificate or diploma.
