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Our electrical engineer with a professorial nomination. From President Duda 14.02.2023 09:06

Tomasz Chady, a researcher at the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Applied Computer Science at the West Pomeranian University of Technology, received his professorial nomination from President Andrzej Duda of the Republic of Poland.

The ceremonial presentation of nomination acts to 73 academic teachers and employees of science and art took place on Tuesday, 7 February at the Presidential Palace.

Tomasz Chady received the title of professor of engineering sciences. He works at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Applied Computer Science. In 1998, he received an international award for the development of an eddy-current multi-frequency method with spectrogram.

He specialises in electrical engineering. His interests include the application of artificial intelligence in non-destructive testing and digital signal and image processing for non-destructive testing or medical diagnostics.

President of the Polish Society of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics. Author and co-author of more than 290 articles published mainly in international scientific journals.



Photo: Aurelia Kołodziej/ZUT