The H2Ebuffer project was launched in June 2021. After studies conducted by the University of Szczecin (US) and the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT), construction of a prototype of the warehouse began. Tests that will allow for final approval of the location for the installation of a hydrogen buffer are currently underway. It will be the Main Power Supply Point (GPZ) in Łobez. The proposed location was scanned in 3D technology for the purpose of the project. The scan will allow for proper planning of works at the GPZ and the design of the hydrogen installation.
One of our priorities is to ensure safe and stable energy supplies to our customers. This is also our strategy. We will implement these assumptions only if we create an effective energy balancing system in the network that includes the dynamic development of prosumer energy. We will achieve our goals thanks to the large-scale use of energy storage using innovative technologies - emphasizes Paweł Majewski, president of Enea SA.
Enea Operator is responsible for the practical part of the project. It will implement a full-scale, prototype installation of a hydrogen energy buffer.
In the era of very dynamic development of distributed generation, energy storage will become more and more important. We want to be open to innovation, cooperate with the scientific community - the H2eBuffer project is another example of this and builds our competences in the field of energy storage - said Marek Rusakiewicz, acting president of Enea Operator.
Cooperation with partner universities allowed us to take the next step in developing solutions for the energy storage of obtained from renewable energy. As an innovation leader among distribution system operators, we want to meet the expectations of the constantly developing energy sector, which is why our Innovative Initiative Office is working so intensively on the effective use of green hydrogen fuel - emphasizes Przemysław Starzyński, head of Enea Operator's Innovative Initiative Office.
The project is implemented under the call for proposals - 4.1.4 Application projects, The Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 in The National Centre for Research and Development. The total value of the project is almost PLN 13 million. The consortium implementing the project includes West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (leader), University of Szczecin and Enea Operator.