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Ph.D., Eng. Paweł Sikora received individual scholarship of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 13.03.2019 14:39

Paweł Sikora, an employee of the Didactic Team of Economics, Organization and Management in Construction, has received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions individual scholarship awarded as a part of the EU 2020 Horizon Framework Program.

The project of Paweł Sikora titled Ultra-Lightweight Concrete for 3D printing technologies (acronym: Ultra-LightCon-3D) scored 94.4 / 100 points. The scholarship will be carried out at the Technical University of Berlin (supervisor: Prof. Dietmar Stephan) in cooperation with an industrial partner SIKA AG for 24 months. It will allow to continue research as part of the started research internship for The Bekker Programme.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) program supports researchers at various stages of their career by funding research and training in Europe and non-European countries. At the same time, it enables institutions to employ researchers and involve their employees in international research and training projects. Projects can be implemented in any scientific discipline and apply to all domains of research and innovation. The basic requirement is the international mobility of scientists. The budget of the Program is €6.16 billion.

The Program's addressees are:

• individual researchers,

• research institutions (universities, research institutes),

• enterprises (including SMEs),

• non-governmental organizations, hospitals, museums, banks ...,

• international organizations,
