The agreement for Amazon to donate the equipment to the Foundation was signed by its President, Prof. Arkadiusz Terman, President of ZUT. The equipment, together with the cabling, will go to two faculties of our University - Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering. Also present at the signing of the agreement for the delivery of the scanners to our university were the Deans of the aforementioned faculties – Prof. Marcin Chodźko and Prof. Grzegorz Psuj.
- The scanners will be used to expand the teaching stations for learning PLC programming in the Mechatronics Laboratory in the Technology Hall. Together with small conveyors, these stations will be a significant addition to the teaching base," said Prof Chodźko.
- The cameras will be used to implement process automation, which can be used on production lines, in assembly, or to operate production halls and warehouses. We want to prepare workstations for our students where they can model real working conditions," added Prof Psuj.