Annual Report 2019 of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland: ZUT a leader for the second time 05.10.2020 09:28
The West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin took the first place for the highest number of patents for inventions in 2019 among foreign and domestic entities. The Lublin University of Technology came second (118 decisions), while the Lodz University of Technology (101 decisions) came third out of 17 Polish universities included in the annual report of the Polish Patent Office.
47 percent entities are universities and other research institutions. In the entire West Pomeranian Voivodeship 128 patents were granted, of which 121 were granted to the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
By comparison, last year ZUT received 118 such decisions, thus maintaining the position of the leader of the ranking. In the 21st Perspektywy University Ranking 2020, the university took second place in the "Innovation" category.

Wytwarzający / Odpowiadający za treść: tłum. Agnieszka Jansohn-Borghina
Udostępniający: Agnieszka Jansohn-BorghinaCzas udostępnienia: 2020-10-05 09:29:57
Data wytworzenia: 2020-10-05