MARCH 2021 Intake_registration for graduate programmes opens on 5 October 2020 05.10.2020 10:56
The West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin March 2021 intake period commences on Monday, 5 October 2020.
Programmes available:
MSc in Biotechnology - majors:
- biotechnology in animal production and environmental protection
MSc in Materials Engineering - majors:
- lightweight structures
- processing of polimer materials
Applicants are required to follow the rules of admission, important dates and deadlines.
All candidates must register in the Online Registration Platform which will be open on 5 October 2020 1 p.m.
Detailed information about March 2021 intake.
Wytwarzający / Odpowiadający za treść: Katarzyna Stawna
Udostępniający: Anna CzekalskaCzas udostępnienia: 2020-10-05 10:57:08
Data wytworzenia: 2020-10-05