
I nabór w Programie INTERREG Południowy Bałtyk w obszarze 2 Osi priorytetowej: Zrównoważony Południowy Bałtyk - zaproszenie na WARSZTATY 07.11.2022 09:25

Zaproszenie kierowane jest do tych organizacji, firm, instytucji, które w poniższych działaniach dla priorytetu Zrównoważonego Środowiska planują rozpocząć współpracę transgraniczną w ramach obszaru Południowego Bałtyku już w I naborze, mają pomysł, poszukują partnera, bądź chcieliby dołączyć do już istniejącego pomysłu.


Współorganizatorem warsztatów jest Punkt Kontaktowy w Greifswaldzie, dzięki któremu uczestnikami będą również zainteresowane podmioty z Meklemburgii.

Warsztaty odbędą się w dniu 15 listopada 2022 w godzinach od 11.00- do 15.30 w siedzibie Urzędu Marszałkowskiego przy Piłsudskiego 40, sala 420.

Językiem na warsztatach będzie język angielski.

Zgłoszenia uczestników ze strony polskiej proszę nadsyłać do dnia 9 listopada 2022 do godziny 12.00 na mail: ableszynska@wzp.pl.

Uwaga - Ilość miejsc jest ograniczona.

Poniżej wycinek z dokumentu programowego, pokazującego jakie m. in. możliwości w tym obszarze będzie dawał nowy program Interreg Południowy Bałtyk.

Programme Measure 2.1: Supporting transition towards green energy

The indicative list of cross-border activities includes:

1. Promotion of:

• areas of cooperation regarding energy policies, e.g., joint strategy development, joint studies, action plans and joint development of harmonisation tools, spatial development plans etc.;

• the use of renewable energy and green fuels, e.g., pilots and knowledge exchange and best practices in the maritime sector and support establishing new markets in the area;

2. Development, demonstration and implementation of solutions in production and utilisation of energy from renewable sources;

3. Elaboration and testing of common standards in renewable energy by public entities, in cooperation with universities, research centres, companies and cooperatives of farmers and residents;

4. Elaboration of joint green policy strategies and patterns to overcome challenges and mobilise regional opportunities for renewable energies;

5. Capacity building actions, transfer of knowledge and exchange of best practices on renewable energy, green technology solutions.

Programme Measure 2.2: Promoting sustainable use of water

The indicative list of cross-border activities includes:

1. Promotion of:

• areas of cooperation regarding the enhancement of aquaculture with the main focus on reducing eutrophication and pollution of the waters of the South Baltic Area;

• areas of cooperation regarding water management policies, e.g., joint strategy development, joint studies, action plans etc.;

2. Development, demonstrating and testing of:

• green technology solutions in water management (including sustainable land use and wastewater collection and treatment) and nature-based flood water management;

• solutions for reducing pollution of the Baltic Sea by chemical munitions and other dangerous remains of sunken oil ships;

3. Development and testing of:

• innovative solutions aimed at decreasing the outflows of nutrients from small and diffuse sources in catchment areas (including evaluation of the cost effectiveness of solutions);

• innovative solutions for sustainable water management that influences positively the biodiversity in waters and the nature protection;

4. Development of solutions which help to secure various conflicting water uses that serve public interests, e.g., recreation and free time vs. water usage, as well as water resource protection, as well as the future water supply (both for drinking water and industrial water);

5. Elaboration and testing of common standards in waste and water management by public entities, in cooperation with universities, research centres, companies and cooperatives of farmers and residents;

6. Capacity building actions, transfer of knowledge and exchange of best practices in the fields of water management and wastewater collection and treatment.


Programme Measure 2.3: Supporting a circular and more resource efficient development

The indicative list of cross-border activities includes:

1. Promotion of areas of cooperation regarding waste management policies, e.g., joint strategy development, joint studies, action plans etc.;

2. Implementation of cross-border an awareness raising campaigns aimed at local public companies (waste/ water/ heating/ facility/ transport management) and SMEs to facilitate a transition from traditional management to circular oriented;

3. Development, demonstration, and implementation of:

• new joint business models (e.g., service instead of selling a product), product design (prevent waste, use non-toxic materials to prepare for reuse and recycling), production and distribution technologies / solutions / processes in waste / water management and resource efficiency (e.g., re-use, recycling, recovery), including optimized energy utilisation (e.g., biogas) and industrial symbiosis;

• solutions / investments that minimizes the use of new raw-materials, including promoting the use of recycled materials, in production processes;

4. Cooperation networks formation aimed at re-use of waste as resource;

5. Joint actions/ pilot projects aimed at:

• optimization of value chains for recycled materials;

• testing innovative solutions regarding re-use of waste, including from fishing, forestry and agriculture sectors;

• inhabitants on building awareness about the necessity to introduce the processes of waste management in households;

6. Elaboration and testing of common standards in waste management by public entities, in cooperation with universities, research centres, companies and cooperatives of farmers and residents and NGOs;

7. Capacity building actions, transfer of knowledge and exchange of best practices on waste management solutions, sharing best practices and blueprints on data sharing on current waste management practices and waste flows.