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Another victory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering student 13.04.2018 14:46

On March 21, 2018 during the AUTOMATICON Conference in Warsaw, the results of the 10th National Competition "Young Innovation" organized by the Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements (PIAP) in Warsaw were announced. We are pleased to announce that the student of our Faculty -  Eng. Ewelina Chołodowicz  - won the first prize for her engineering thesis entitled Control of the Furuta pendulum (work supervisor - Ph.D. Eng. Przemysław Orłowski, Associate Professor).

In this year's edition, 42 university graduates from all over Poland joined the competition: Warsaw University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. The full results of the Competition can be found at

Ms. Ewelina Chołodowicz, as part of her thesis, designed her own pendulum Furuta. The project included selection of drive, encoders, electronic control and execution systems, structural elements (in the Solidworks program), as well as their printout on a 3D printer.

It should be emphasized that the awarded engineering thesis is not the only achievement of our student. At the moment, she is the co-author of 9 scientific publications (mostly in English), including 2 in journals from the Philadelphia list. She is also a three-time winner of the Ministry of Science and the Higher Education scholarship and a two-time winner of the Mayor of Szczecin scholarship. 

Congratulations to Ms. Ewelina for another success!