
We signed a cooperation agreement with PROZAP Grupa Puławy 06.07.2021 10:59

The West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin and PROZP Grupa Puławy, have signed a cooperation agreement. It assumes cooperation in science and research, implementation of the curriculum and student internships.

As the Rector of ZUT explained on Thursday, June 24, the signed agreement is another agreement signed with a dynamically developing business entity.

It is another experience and a challenge for our university. Today's agreement is the beginning of cooperation that will benefit our students. This agreement is also very important from the point of view of the dynamics of our development and the prestige for which we work hard - said prof. Jacek Wróbel, rector of ZUT.

He added that the agreements concluded by ZUT translate into the socio-economic impact of the university.

According to the signed document, the cooperation will be implemented through joint research and development projects. The agreement also provides for the organization of student internships.

We want students to have the opportunity to gain their first practical professional experience in the conditions of the design office operating in the largest industrial plant in the region, already at the learning stage. We hope that our project will translate into the fact that after graduation, young engineers, knowing a foretaste of the challenges ahead, will want to start working with us and build their design career in the industry of their choice - said Arkadiusz Sułek, President of PROZAP.