D.Sc. Eng. Andrzej Jardzioch, Professor ZUT
Deputy Director of Institute of Manufacturing Engineering
Head of the Automated Manufacturing Systems and Quality Engineering Division
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
Institute of Manufacturing Engineering
70-343 Szczecin
Al. Piastow 19
phone:: +4891 449 49 89
fax: +4891 449 44 42
e-mail: andrzej.jardzioch@zut.edu.pl
Scientific Discipline: Automation and robotics, machine design and maintenance
Fields of scientific research:· Automation of manufacturing processes, robotics, mechatronics, control systems· Simulation of manufacturing systems, · Computer-aided design and manufacture of machines: CAD/CAM/CIM systems; development of software; expert systems design · Application of artificial intelligence techniques (expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms) for production process design · Application of fuzzy logic in the design, control and diagnostics of robotized machining systems · Flexible automation of machine tool systems (design and laboratory examinations)· Quality assurance
The following relevant research projects, financed by the State Committee for Scientific Research, or Polish Ministry of Higher Education, were completed or are currently running.
Period | Title |
1995-1997 | Experimental and training facility for computer-integrated manufacturing |
1998-2000 | Artificial intelligence methods in the manufacturing process planning and scheduling |
2000-2002 | Development of a system for flexible intelligent manufacturing (for research and training of students |
2002-2004 | Application of fuzzy inference to support the dosage of L-Dopa in Parkinson's disease |
currently | Production - the system for the internet-based personalized production |
Important publications
1. Jardzioch A., Jaskowski Calculation of the deadlines for nesting with the possibility of combining orders, Management Systems in Production Engineering 2015, No 1 (17), pp 22-27
2. Jardzioch A., Skobiej B. Implementation of Insertion Method for Production Jobs Scheduling (Zastosowanie algorytmu wsadowego do szeregowania zadań produkcyjnych), In book: Innowacje w zarządzaniu i inżynierii produkcji, Publisher: Polish Association for Production Management, Editors: Ryszard Knosala, 2014.
3. Dylewski R., Jardzioch A., Scheduling production orders, taking into account delays and waste, Management and Production Engineering Review, Vol. 5, No 3, 2014; pp.: 3 - 8.
4. Jardzioch A., Skobiej B. Nieklasyczne podejście ewolucyjne do problemu szeregowania zadań w systemach produkcyjnych, Logistyka 08/2013.
5. Jardzioch A., Skobiej B., Analysis of Variable Changeover Times Impact on the Revenue in Manufacturing Process, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering 10/2013; 11(4/2013):114-117.
6. Jardzioch A., Bulwan K., The prioritisation of production orders under the bee colony algorithm, Advances in manufacturing science and technology, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2013, pp.: 50-59. DOI: 10.2478/amst-2013-0031.
7. Dylewski R., Jardzioch A., Optymalizacja kolejności zleceń produkcyjnych ze względu na minimalną sumę opóźnień, PAK Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola (2012) nr 06, s. 527-529
8. Jardzioch A., Jaskowski J., Harmonogramowanie zleceń w systemie e-produkcja, Materiały konferencyjne „ Automatyzacja Procesów Dyskretnych, Teoria i zastosowania” Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Tom I. 2012 Gliwice.
9. Jardzioch A., Jaskowski J., Information flow in model of e-production systems, Studies & Proceedings of Polish Association for Knowledge Management (2012) nr 60, s. 83-95.
10. Jardzioch A. Skobiej. B.: Petri net implementation in queue algorithms analysis for flexible manufacturing systems. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences Vol. 36 (2011) No. 3-4 pp.207-210.
11. Jardzioch A. Kirkowska. M. Computer-aided business process modeling using the IDEF notation. AGH University of Science and Technology Press, Krakow 2010
12. Jardzioch A. Genetic-fuzzy based approach for planning of transportation operation in FMS, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Production Engineering APE’2010, Warsaw 2010.
13. Jardzioch A. Jaskowski. J. Wykrywanie i usuwanie wąskich gardeł za pomocą modelowania i badań symulacyjnych, Materiały konferencyjne „Automatyzacja Procesów Dyskretnych, Teoria i zastosowania” Tom I. 2010 Gliwice.
14. Jardzioch A. Kirkowska. M. Komputerowo wspomagane modelowanie procesów biznesowych z zastosowaniem Notacji IDEF, Materiały konferencyjne „ XII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa- Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem Teoria i Praktyka, Kraków 2010.
15. Jardzioch A. Control of flexible manufacturing systems with the use of artificial intelligence methods. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin , Szczecin 2009
16. Jardzioch A. Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive Control of Material Flow in Flexible Manufacturing System. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2009, vol. 18, Nr 3B
17. Jardzioch A. Programming an industrial robot in virtual environment. Virtual Design and Automation. Publishing House of Poznan University of Technology 2008.
18. Jardzioch A. Problems of control of workpiece flow in a flexible manufacturing system. Advances in manufacturing science and technology. Vol.32, No. 1, 2008, 29-44
19. Sosnowski M., Honczarenko J. Jardzioch A.: Artificial intelligence in the control of automated manufacturing systems. Control Engineering, nr 9/2008.
20. Jardzioch A.: Intelligent On-line Control of Transportation Operation In FMS Based on Genetic-Fuzzy Approach. Advances in manufacturing Science and Technology. Vol.30, No.4, 2006, pp.19-32.
21. Honczarenko J., Jardzioch A., Sosnowski.: M. Control and regulation of flexible manufacturing systems. PAR, nr 2/2007.
22. Jardzioch A. Krzemien S. Pękacz P. Industral robot KUKA KR 125 Simulator. PAR, nr 2/2007.
23. Honczarenko J., Jardzioch A., Sosnowski:. M. Control and regulation in flexible manufacturing systems, with interference considered. 16th International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics 21-23 June 2007 - Warsaw, POLAND.
24. Jardzioch A.: Programming Industrial Robots Using Computer Simulator. Collection of Research Papers of the Baltic Association of Mechanical Engineering Experts. No. 6. Kaliningrad Publishing house KSTU 2007. s. 3-8.
25. Jardzioch A.: Genetic-Fuzzy Approach for Scheduling of Transportation Operation In FMS. 12th IEEE International Conference: Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics. Międzyzdroje, Polska 2006.
26. Jardzioch A.: Task Oriented programming of Industrial Robots Based on the Fuzzy Logic Systems. Collection of Research Papers of the Baltic Association of Mechanical Engineering Experts. No. 5. Kaliningrad Publishing house KSTU 2005. s. 87-92.
27. Jardzioch A., Krebs I.: Intelligent Programming of industrial Robot Based on the Fuzzy Logic. 11th IEEE International Conference on "Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics", Międzyzdroje, 29 August - 1 September 2005. Abstract pp. 95. Proceedings of the CD.
28. Berliński A., Jałowicki S., Jardzioch A., Pawlukowicz P., Sosnowski M., Honczarenko J.: Laboratory of robotics and automation in the Department of Automated Manufacturing Systems. PAR. Nr 9/2005,s.10-16.