Local Ethics Committee for Animal Testing


Local Ethics Committee for Animal Testing in Szczecin


West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry
ul. dr Judyma 12A,  

71-466 Szczecin

 tel.: (91)  449 68 38

 e-mail: Barbara.Rolicz@zut.edu.pl i kom.etyczna@zut.edu.pl

Pursuant to the agreement between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, the Local Ethics Committee for Animal Testing was established at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry.

Committee Chairperson  -  Professor Dorota Jankowiak, PhD

tel.: (91)  449 67 10, e-mail: Dorota.Jankowiak@zut.edu.pl

Committee Secretary  -  Barbara Rolicz, M.Sc.

tel.: (91)  449 68 38,  788 890 898,  e-mail: barbara.rolicz@zut.edu.pl i kom.etyczna@zut.edu.pl