Current informations
10.01.2025We kindly inform that students of our university have an option to download a free version of software for simulation modeling – AnyLogic PLE.
Link to downloading a student version: AnyLogic PLE The software allows to simulate agent, discrete and dynamic models and to combine them into hybri...9.01.2025First NCN Council session with participation of prof. Krzysztof Okarma
On January, 8-9 2025 in the headquarters of the National Science Centre (NCN) in Krakow takes place the first this year session of the National Scienc...2.01.2025Increased subsidy for the European Universities
The Minister of Science increased financing for 5 Polish public universities, including ZUT, that have been accepted for financing from the European C...27.11.2024Method for treating ovarian cancer developed by ZUT researchers
Dr Agnieszka Piegat from the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering at ZUT and her team have developed a new way to reach cancer cells. The ZUT scientist's project is being carried out in collaboration with the Medical University of Pomerania in Szczecin under the leadership of Prof. Aneta Cymbaluk-Płoska, with the key participation of Prof. Danuta Bogacka, who is supervising the animal research.22.11.2024Polish Innovation Award 2024 for ZUT's Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The 11th edition of the Polish Entrepreneurship Congress took place on 13-14 November 2024.19.11.2024Success of West Pomeranian PhD Students at the ProDok 2024 Gala
On 14-16 November 2024, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznañ hosted the ProDok Gala - a prestigious event organised by the National Representation of Doctoral Students to reward the creators of the most pro-doctoral initiatives implemented in the previous academic year.18.11.2024Briefing of the Minister of Science and Higher Education at the ZUT Student House
On Monday, 18th November, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Dariusz Wieczorek, held a press conference at the Amicus Student Residence.18.11.2024Karpioki - healthy carp chips invented by ZUT scientists
They are crunchy, tasty and, above all, healthy - a recipe for carp crisps has been developed by scientists from the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, led by Professor Grzegorz Tokarczyk from the Faculty of Food Science and Fisheries.12.11.2024'NBP Gold Index' for ZUT Economics Faculty student
The National Bank of Poland has selected the best 100 economics students who applied for the first edition of the 'NBP Gold Index' scholarship programme. Scholarships worth PLN 10,000 for the academic year 2024/2025 were awarded to 49 first-year students and 51 second- and third-year students. In this group we have a representative of the Faculty of Economics at ZUT in Szczecin, a third-year economics student, Weronika Róża Ciejak.28.10.2024ZUT researchers' project is a contribution to the Blue Economy
Researchers at the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) in Szczecin has been awarded almost one million zlotys for the BLUEBOOST project within the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) announced by the NCBR. The work will be carried out over three years.